Smart Tech Team Ethics/Copyright
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-Don’t try to break our site. We are protected by Wix.
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We have a variety of sources that help us attain the news we deliver. Some of our sources do not wish to be named, and our policy is to honor such requests and keep these sources anonymous without exception. Please note that our general policy is that we do not provide compensation for tips.
In 2010, in response to a request by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the U.S. Copyright Office explicitly recognized an exemption to the DMCA to permit rooting. In their ruling, the Library of Congress affirmed on July 26, 2010 that rooting is exempt from DMCA rules with respect to circumventing digital locks. DMCA exemptions must be reviewed and renewed every three years or else they expire. On October 28, 2012, the US Copyright Office updated their exemption policies. The rooting of smartphones continues to be legal "where circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of enabling interoperability of [lawfully obtained software] applications with computer programs on the telephone handset." However, the U.S. Copyright office refused to extend this exemption to tablets, arguing that the term "tablets" is broad and ill-defined, and an exemption to this class of devices could have unintended side effects. The Copyright Office also renewed the 2010 exemption for unofficially unlocking phones to use them on unapproved carriers, but restricted this exemption to phones purchased before January 26, 2013.
International treaties have influenced the development of laws affecting jailbreaking. The 1996 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty requires nations party to the treaties to enact laws against DRM circumvention. The American implementation is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which includes a process for establishing exemptions for non-copyright-infringing purposes such as jailbreaking. The 2001 European Copyright Directive implemented the treaty in Europe, requiring member states of the European Union to implement legal protections for technological protection measures. The Copyright Directive includes exceptions to allow breaking those measures for non-copyright-infringing purposes, such as jailbreaking to run alternative software,[32] but member states vary on the implementation of the directive.
We do not invest in companies that we cover, the ST team will NEVER own, trade, or buy stock in companies we cover or companies in the general tech sector, without exception.
All writers on Smart-Tech are entitled to there opinion. We attempt to withhold bias to a degree but we will not tolerate discrimination towards one's beliefs.
Occasionally, a giveaway will held for a particular item or items going to a person or persons. Rules on entering will be clear and we insure every giveaway is as fair as possible. Certain randomiser sites are used to choose a winner. All winners must reply back within 8 days. All items are paid for by S-TT along with shipping/handling.
PRIVACY: Pending