Android Wear Vs Apple Watch OS
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Today, we would like to compare Android Wear to the software of the Apple Watch. First off, Android wear has been around for a while. AppleWatch Software has not even been publicly released at the time of writing this article. Android Wear, has multiple options when it comes to which watch you want to wear. Since Android Wear is open source, it is possible to use almost any smartwatch that can run on the Android Wear platform. The software on the AppleWatch however is exclusive to the Apple Watch. There is not much of a comparison we can do at this point because; the software of the AppleWatch is just not being introduced to the world. There are very high hopes for the software of the AppleWatch and for Android Wear but we have yet to see those. So far, Android Wear takes the lead in terms of which is the better software. We say that just because we have yet to see where the software of the AppleWatch is headed.
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