QualityTime: An app that tracks how long you use your phone!
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Ever wonder how much you use your phone. Well, this is QualityTime. The application tracks how long you stay in certain apps and gives you daily averages. It tells you how long you stayed on your phone/tablet and the amount of times you unlocked the screen. The average person checks their phone 110 times a day and uses it for about 2 hours. A cool thing about this app is how much it tells you. Yes, this generation needs help. This is another area in which this application shines. The app has a feature that forces you to stay of your phone for a certain amount of time. You can also set goals.
All of the info mentioned above stays as a notification inside your notification center. However, entering the application brings you into another world. You can see which apps you were on at a certain time. The order in which you entered apps on your device and even what your most popular application is. No there’s no convoluted details for you to analyze. All data gathered is converted into nice visuals and graphs that you can interact with.
At this point, you probably want to see for yourself so here’s a link: http://cf6.co/5W0b